How to organize a magic birthday inspired by The Little Prince ?
What you are about to discover...
The 5 keys for a successful snack !
We all dream of organising the perfect birthday party for our children, don’t we ? Every year we struggle to make this day the most wonderful and unforgettable for our little wolves.
What is the perfect birthday ? It’s the one the children have fun and enjoy, the one they talk about long afterwards, and the one that makes you great parents in the eyes of your child ! Mmmh, you see, don’t you ?
And what if this year you were to focus on a must-have that has marked our childhood and has been passed down from generation to generation ? Invite your child on a journey into the poetic and stunning world of the famous Saint Exupéry with his work The Little Prince. It’s a pretty theme that will certainly please your little head and will certainly please him !
I. The invitation: the most important !
The essential for inviting friends home ! Choose pretty invitations from all those available on the internet. Pssst, Pinterest is a gold mine !
If you’re in a creative mood, make your own invitations : a few pictures of the Little Prince, pretty colours, a little sentence from your child announcing the theme to his or her friends…. Let your imagination run wild !
Running out of time ? Download our ready-made invitation here : Little Prince invitation.

II. A decoration which invites you to travel
1. Pretty colours
Opt for pretty colours to do your decoration and create a world apart.
Modern : for a modern and chic decor, prefer grey, white and yellow with touches of gold.
Traditional : if you prefer to keep traditional colours, opt for blue, white and yellow with a touch of gold.
Natural : for a vegetal and natural decoration, choose white, green and always with a golden touch.
2. Head in the stars or clouds
The Little Prince’s journey is an imaginary journey in the sky, add a few stars or clouds to emphasise the dreamy and fantastic side of the theme.
Tip : hang stars from the ceiling, put a few pieces of cotton in the room to recall the softness of the clouds…. Be creative and original !
3. The Little Prince invites himself into the house
The Little Prince is a philosophical tale full of tenderness that calls for reflection. And yes, he gives us some beautiful life lessons that make us question ourselves through the eyes of a child. Why not read a few little quotes from this inspiring fable into your decor ? This will make children discover this inspiring fable while arousing their curiosity.
We’ll share our favourites with you :
“Make your life a dream, and a dream a reality.”
“The stars are illuminated so that everyone can one day find their own.”
“You can only see well with your heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes.”
4. A range of fun accessories
The essential accessory not to be forgotten is the crown ! The ideal is to have a crown for each child that you will give them when they arrive to invite them into the Little Prince’s journey.
To plunge them further into this universe, you can play with the accessories: balloons, posters of the Little Prince, costumes, stars hanging from the ceiling…
The main characters can invite themselves to the party, such as the Fox, the Sheep and the Rose.
III. Lots of candies
1. Sweets galore
It’s no secret that children love to fill their bellies with sweets !
Arrange marshmallows, sweets, lollipops, cotton candy, popcorn… so many sweets to delight their taste buds !
Sweets are good, but what would a birthday party be without cake !
Chocolate cake is a sure thing that most children will love, but sometimes you want something a little more sophisticated.
Very trendy, the “design cake” or “layer cake” is present at every occasion to bluff your guests for sure ! Layer cake, what’s that ? It’s a generous cake on several layers, nicely covered with a gourmet icing that you then decorate according to your desires.
If you are armed with patience and love to cook, you can start making your own cake with hundreds of recipes that can be found on Pinterest on the theme of the Little Prince.

If you are running out of time or desire, don’t worry, there are many pastry chefs who will make it just as you imagine !
2. An incredible Vitamin Cocktail
Children like to be seen as grown-ups, so why not concoct a little fruity cocktail or a homemade lemonade for them ?
You can present this in a salad bowl with a ladle or in a drink fountain with a spout.
IV. Great animations :
There are so many animations for children that you are spoilt for choice ! We have selected a few ideas for you from the best activities :
- Piñata
Opt for an animation that the children love and that makes them laugh with the destruction of a piñata filled with sweets, confetti and surprises.
- Musical chair
A must for a fun birthday snack ! Chairs, lively music, good humour and off you go.
- Treasure hunt
Organise a route that the children will have to follow to find the treasure (chest full of sweets, presents…)
- At-home Escape Room
Propose an original adventure at home with clues to find and puzzles to solve. Get a crush on one of our ready-to-play kits ! In fact, we have two on the theme of The Little Prince !
- Drawing is funny
Write guessing words on pieces of paper that the children will take at random and have to make their friends guess by drawing.
- Creativity workshop
Simple but effective, opt for a drawing, collage, cutting workshop… Ideal for the little ones!
- Mime Game
Write guessing words on pieces of paper that the children will take at random and have to make their buddies guess without a word.
- Obstacle course
Ideal if you have a garden or outdoor area, you can organise a trail full of pitfalls.
Ideas : bring a glass filled with water to a place as quickly as possible without spilling it. Tie the opposite feet of a pair of children together and they should move forward together quickly, put obstacles in the way, go forward with a bell and a foot….
V. Little surprises that make you happy
What could be more beautiful than happy children ? Think of the little surprises that make your child’s guests happy ! Of course, adapt according to your budget, mini gifts are more than enough. They can be sweets, lollipops, bracelets, magnets, mini-games, key rings… The Internet is full of gift ideas at mini prices !
Our team hope that this anniversary snack will be a success and that it will be memorable for everybody.
All the efforts made to make this day as magical as possible for your child will never be worth all the love you give him or her. As the Little Prince says, nothing will be more beautiful than the love you give your child because “You can only see well with your heart. What is essential is invisible to the eyes”.