5 good reasons to organize an Escape Room at school!
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Creating an Escape Room at school
Have you noticed that the concept of gamification is increasingly present in schools? But what exactly is it? It is a learning technique that uses the characteristic elements of games in the educational sector to obtain better learning results.
The goal is to make an action more playful and to encourage the commitment of individuals. The game allows to develop the emotional, relational and cognitive abilities of children. In fact, the pedagogue and writer Pauline Kergomard, known as the founder of the French kindergarten, had already introduced games into the school in the 19th century, considering that “Play is the child’s work, his job, his life”. Although it was neglected for decades, it has been recently reintroduced for the greatest pleasure of children.
Indeed, it has regained a special place in the school environment because it has proven to be a learning tool with multiple benefits. To make it easier for you to set up game-based sessions, we invite you to discover 5 good reasons to organize a school Escape Room with your students.
I. What is an Escape Room?
Let’s start with the beginning! An Escape Room is an immersive game that transports you into different universes with wizards, pirates, superheroes, the Little Prince… This innovative concept mixes sharing, emotions and reflection and invites you to surpass yourself by solving riddles and puzzles in less than an hour. It is a social practice that has developed significantly over the last few years.
II. And what is an Escape Kit?
This concept has been totally rethought to be played in any place, thanks to turnkey Escape Room kits. The principle is the same, you just have to solve puzzles to finish the game in a limited time.
You get:
- Installation and printing guides,
- Puzzle cards,
- Playlists dedicated to each theme,
- Countdown,
- Lots of accessories for more immersion!

This Escape Room allows you to live an original and fun experience, wherever and whenever you want. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? You could propose this fun activity to your students: in elementary school, middle school, or even high school. Are you tempted? Discover the 5 advantages of Escape Rooms in the classroom!
III. 5 advantages of escape rooms in classroom
1. Develop skills
During an Escape Room session, students re-invest their skills, deepen them and develop new ones (communication skills, fine motor skills, leadership skills, social skills, problem-solving skills).
They must analyze clues to solve puzzles, which requires analytical skills and encourages them to think on their feet.
Many puzzles involve problem-solving through math, for example.

During an Escape Room session, students re-invest their skills, deepen them and develop new ones (communication skills, fine motor skills, leadership skills, social skills, problem-solving skills). They must analyze clues to solve puzzles, which requires analytical skills and encourages them to think on their feet. Many puzzles involve problem-solving through math, for example. The fact that they have an hour to play pushes them to engage collectively and quickly into action. Moreover, the situation allows everyone to contribute according to their abilities and encourages collective thinking to achieve the goal.
2. Develop psychosocial skills
Playing in groups enhances the development of students’ psychosocial skills. According to the WHO, this is the ability of a child to respond effectively to demands and challenges of daily life. It is his or her ability to maintain a state of mental well-being, through appropriate and positive behavior in relationships with others, his or her own culture and environment. In an Escape Room, emotions are challenged as players have one hour to finish the game and are confronted with others and the way they see themselves. This situation encourages them to find their place in a group (under the kind eye of the teacher). The teacher can distinguish between leaders, followers, introverts…
3. Encourage group cohesion
When playing as a team, children are encouraged to communicate with each other better and promote group cohesion. In addition, they try to outdo each other to win the game, giving their best. The introduction of the game in a school environment is an ideal way to learn differently while having fun. The Escape Room can strengthen bonds between students who can help each other solve the mystery and make them forget their differences. It can also help students discover each other’s personalities and talents.

4. Strengthen the teacher/student relationship
For a teacher, it is not always easy to catch students’ attention and to give them the will to learn. Thanks to this innovative activity, the relationship between teachers and students is strengthened because it establishes a trust that encourages exchanges between them. Thus, some students can see their motivation reinforced.
Our Escape Room kits are being used more and more in the classrooms and are appreciated both by the students and by the teachers who see the value of creating atypical sessions in their teaching methods. Moreover, during the game session, the teacher adopts a privileged position of observer where he can evaluate the skills and behaviors of students in a real teamwork situation.

5. Create a taste for learning
Escape Rooms allow you to have fun in an unusual and creative context. Learning while having fun is so much more fun, and children are enthusiastic and engaged in these uncommon situations.
When an Escape Room is organized in the classroom, students take pleasure in realizing that they know a lot. They are excited to show it to their teachers and classmates. Moreover, the game makes certain complex concepts more accessible. What a great way to motivate them to learn new things at school! Teachers, it’s up to you!
Escape Room in schools allow you to apply an innovative pedagogy based on the playfulness of learning. It’s also an effective way to motivate students. Turn your classroom into a life-size puzzle with our ready-to-play kits by choosing from our many themes!
IV. Escape Room ideas for school!